15 November, 2002


Tim Renouf

Wren Industries P/L

Unit 5, 19 Abbott St





Dear Tim,


This is to say thanks for developing the RENSHADE. We had no idea how effective it would be till we attached it to the windows by using the velcro spots supplied. We have a large room with seven windows each 2100 x 1500 facing the north/west and we get the sun from about eleven am till sunset. Even in the winter it doesn't take long to warm up and Margaret is very sensitive to heat.


The first day it started to warm up we put the RENSHADE up to the windows and to our amazement the effect was almost immediate and shortly after it was very noticeable how much cooler the room had become.


We have a view that stretches across valleys and hills and it was noticeable that you could still see the view quite clearly.


We can only say we are very impressed with the result of this development as it's the answer to keeping the heat out where there are a lot of windows.


All windows facing west of our two storey house now have RENSHADE Holland Blinds fitted. This allow us to easily let the blinds up at night time and when there is no sun.



Kind regards,


Ian & Margaret Richardson


Elohim Lodge

McInnes Rd

Tynong North  VIC  3183

Tel: 03 5942-8320
