27 March, 2006 Tim Renouf Wren Industries P/L Unit 5, 19 Abbott St SANDRINGHAM  VIC  3191 RENSHADE Holland Blinds Dear Tim, We now have our RENSHADE holland blinds installed and are thrilled to bits with the results. We have noticed a dramatic difference and have halved the times we need to have the air conditioner on. If you feel the glass outside the room behind the blinds you can sure feel the heat being reflected very effectively. We also like the fact that we can still see the expansive view across the valley whilst the blinds are down. Thank you for a great product. We attach some photos   which may interest you. Many thanks Ann and David Stafford Martinville NSW  2265 ann.stafford@avondale.edu.au 15 December, 2005 Tim Renouf Wren Industries Pty. Ltd. Unit 5, 19 Abbott Street SANDRINGHAM  VIC  3191 Dear Tim, RENSHADE and CONCERTINA FOIL BATTS Heading into our third summer using RENSHADE I feel it’s time to thank you for inventing this fantastic product! Our north facing bay window used to transmit so much heat into our bedroom in summer that it was simply unbearable to be in, let alone sleep in. It took half an hour and about $45 to remedy the problem. I used your velcro dots to suspend panels of RENSHADE over the window panes and instant cool! Another of the compelling features of this product is its’ ease of use. If we’re having a cool, cloudy summer day and I need to let in a little more light, I can simply pull off a panel and roll or fold it up and put it aside for the day. I’m not particularly precious with the stuff because it takes all the punishment I give it! And then it goes up again in thirty seconds flat by pressing on the velcro dots! We have also noticed the difference since installing the CONCERTINA FOIL BATTS in the ceiling of the old part of our house and in the walls and floors of our new extension. Thanks again – I’m spreading the word to others who want to avoid the expense to both the environment and the hip pocket and who appreciate the simplicity of a product that simply makes sense. Lisa F Brunswick West Victoria 7 September, 2005 Tim Renouf Wren Industries P/L Unit 5, 19 Abbott St SANDRINGHAM   VIC  3191 Dear Tim, I write to express my thanks for your window insulation product RENSHADE. Certainly lives up to all it claims – simplicity in installment, providing shade, coolness, light and outside vision. Above all, I am looking forward to the energy savings I will make this summer, thus doing my bit for our environment. Congratulations. I will recommend your product RENSHADE to all. Best wishes, LT COL Graeme J Redfern Williamstown, Melbourne VIC 0417 675 681